RDB Mobile التطبيقات

Catechism the Catholic Church 1
RDB Mobile
Study the Catechism of the Catholic Churchnormal and CompendiumQuestions, comments and suggestions are welcome inrbtbts@gmail.com and please put a comment after download, they willhelp other people to choose this product compliments arewelcome.
Alimento Bíblico Diário 11
RDB Mobile
O Alimento Bíblico Diário tem por objetivofazer com que as pessoas venham buscar mais e ter um bomrelacionamento com Deus, por meio da palavra.E é através das meditações diárias que podemos ser edificados,fortalecidos e capacitados, promovendo um crescimento espiritual.Pois até podemos pensar que temos muito conhecimento, mas averdadeira sabedoria vem somente de Deus.Descrição: Este aplicativo tem a opção de atualizar as mensagense compartilhar suas leituras para outras pessoas, via redessociais, emails, SMS entre outros.Que Deus venha abençoar a vida de cada um de vocês!“Não amemos somente de palavras, mas através de atitudes e emverdade”. 1 João: 3.18“Felizes são os que ouvem a palavra de Deus e a guardam”. Lucas:11.28"Entrega o teu caminho ao Senhor; confia nele, e ele tudo fará."Salmos 37:5The Bible Daily Food aimsto get people to come look more and have a good relationship withGod through the word.And it is through daily meditations that can be built up,strengthened and empowered, promoting spiritual growth. For even wethink we have a lot of knowledge, but true wisdom comes only fromGod.Description: This application has the option to update themessages and share your readings to others via social networks,email, SMS and others.That God will bless the lives of each of you!"Let us not love only in words, but through actions and intruth." 1 John: 3:18"Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it." Luke:11:28"Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust in him, and he will do."Psalms 37: 5
Miracles of the Children Bible 6.0
RDB Mobile
The Bible Puzzle Game for children, wascreated to present ludic form, some of the miracles of the HolyBible of the old testament.We understand miracle as a supernatural event, out of reach and tohuman understanding and the Bible is full of examples of impressivemiracles, both in the old and the New Testament, with extraordinaryachievements, ranging from creation, through the control ofbiological processes, to the cures and the resurrection of thedead.The game aims to: Awakening the child interest in SacredScripture.The play is fundamental in the development of each child. It waswith that in mind we created this game, which will help stimulatelearning, develop the intelligence, logical reasoning, the abilityof motor coordination/vision-motor, attention, visualdiscrimination and retell stories. It can also develop differentskills as thinking: observe, compare, analyze and synthesize.At the beginning of each puzzle, the figure chosen is showncompletely, so that the child look at figure to be mounted,following parts will be mixed for the child to assemble the figuresof the puzzle by clicking on each square so that the piece isturned in the correct position of the image. The goal of this gameis to complete all the pieces, forming the figure chosen.-The game is made up of 24 biblical images.-Two levels of difficulty.-You can play without Internet also.Try to fit the biblical images in the shortest time possible!Good fun!So Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lorddeparted the sea and made on dry land, with a strong East wind thatblew all that night. The waters were divided, and the Israelitescrossed through the sea on dry land, with a wall of water on theright and one on the left.Exodus 14:21 -22You are the God who performs miracles; show your power among thepeople.Psalms 77:14
Kids Memory Game Children's 8.0
RDB Mobile
If you like challenges will certainly have funin this game of childhood memory that is intended to test the speedof your thinking. To play touch on the squares to find the pairs.It's a fun for kids and adults.Game mode:  - Dogs  - Cats  - Birds  - Fruits  - Halloween  - Sports  - FoodQuestions, comments and suggestions are welcome in rbtbts@gmail.com and please put acomment after download, they will help other people to choose thisproduct; compliments are welcome.Privacy policy:LICENSE CERTIFICATE: Envato Market Item
Female Catholic Catechism 4
RDB Mobile
Study the Female Catholic Catechism Church normal and CompendiumQuestions, comments and suggestions are welcome in rbtbts@gmail.com and please putacomment after download, they will help other people to choosethisproduct compliments are welcome.
Bible 3
RDB Mobile
The Holy Bible Complete with Index, specially formatted fortouchdevices (touch screen) enabling navigation in any passage oftheBible in a few touches through links with a beautiful lookwithoutsacrificing simplicity and speed.Inspired by the public domain version, revised according tothenew spelling of the Portuguese language, updated in modernEnglishlanguage.No doubt it is the best Bible available to the Brazilianplayer.The Smart links allow navigation in any book in just threeor fourrings.All chapters have links Roundtrip making the ease of use themarkthis time.Feedback and suggestions are welcome in rbtbts@gmail.com and please putacomment after downloading, it will help other people to choosethisproduct; compliments are welcome.
Caça Palavra Cidades do Brasil 2.0
RDB Mobile
Bem-vindo ao jogo de caça palavras de cidadesdo Brasil. O jogo é um passatempo divertido e apropriado para todasas idades. Foi pensando nisso que desenvolvemos este aplicativo,que irá ajudar a enriqueçer o seu vocabulário e ao mesmo tempodesafiar a sua inteligência e treinar a sua habilidade depercepção. Este jogo além de ser divertido, é educativo.Assim que o jogo iniciar, observe com muita atenção para a gradecom as letras misturadas, você tem que procurar por uma palavra, equando você encontrar, marque-a com o dedo à partir da primeiraletra para o última e se a palavra estiver correta, ela serámarcada com uma cor distinta e a mesma será riscada do quadro dojogo e você poderá procurar a próxima, tente encontrar todas aspalavras, que poderão estar em várias posições diferentes, como porexemplo: na vertical, horizontal, diagonal e até mesmo palavraslidas da direita para a esquerda e da esquerda para a direita epalavras que atravessam e se cruzam.Tudo que você tem a fazer é procurar por uma palavra, e quando vocêencontrá-la, marque-o com o dedo a partir da primeira letra para oúltimo. Ao fazê-lo, se a palavra estiver correta, ela será marcadacom uma cor distinta e você pode pesquisar a próxima.É possível escolher o nível de dificuldade em cada jogo. Essadificuldade varia de acordo com o número de linhas e colunasabaixo:5x56x67x78x89x910x1011x1112x1213x1314x1415x15Bom divertimento!Welcome to the game ofhunting words of destinations throughout Brazil. The game is a funhobby and appropriate for all ages. With this in mind we havedeveloped this application, which will help enrich your vocabularyand at the same time challenge your intelligence and ability totrain your perception. This game in addition to being fun, it'seducational.Once the game starts, watch carefully for the grill with mixedletters, you have to search for a word, and when you find, selectit with your finger to its first letter to the last, if the word iscorrect, it will be marked with a different color and it will bewiped off the game board and you can find the next, try to find allthe words, which can be in several different positions, such as:vertical, horizontal, diagonal and even words read from right toleft and left to right and words which cross and intersect.All you have to do is search for a word, and when you find it, markit with the finger from the first letter to the last. In doing so,if the word is correct, it will be marked with a different colorand you can search the next.It can choose the difficulty level in each game. This difficultyvaries according to the number of rows and columns below:5x56x67x78x89x910x1011x1112x1213x1314x1415x15Have a good time!
Puzzle Christian Easter 2 1.0
RDB Mobile
The Puzzle Game Pascha 2, is free. Composedofillustrations of the "true story of Easter."Easter is the passage from death to life. It Resurrection, joy.TheMaster Jesus reborn, conquered death, and so we're happy. Thisjoyof Easter should be the essence of the celebrations, sharingthejoy of the Resurrection and of all true of party symbolsandidentify its real meaning.With the following objectives: Encourage children to seek andknowthe true story of Easter and its significance. To recall thejoy ofthe resurrection of Jesus and know the symbols ofEaster.The game is suitable for all ages. It's a great fun for youtointeract and play with the whole family will.This game helps stimulate learning, develop intelligence,logicalthinking, the ability of coordination / visual-motorskills,attention, visual discrimination and imagination. They canalsodevelop different abilities of thought as: observe,compare,analyze and synthesize.Description: To start the game, you must choose a difficultyleveland a picture, which will be shown by full, to observe thefigureto be assembled, click play and following the parts are allmixedup, you should go clicking each piece so that it is facing inthecorrect position of the image. The objective of this game istocomplete all the parts forming the chosen image.- The game consists of 24 Easter story illustrations.- Three difficulty levels: easy, medium and hard.- You have the option to play offline without also.Try to mount the pictures in the shortest time possible!Have a good time!Get rid of the old leaven, that are new and unleavened dough,asthey really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb, hasbeensacrificed.1 Corinthians 5:7Jesus said to him: "I am the resurrection and the life Hewhobelieves in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and whoeverlivesand believes in me will never die Do you believethat..?"John 11:25-26
Christian Easter coloring 3.0
RDB Mobile
Children will have fun with this gamecoloringChristian Easter.For you who love coloring games, will have great fun playing.Useyour creativity.Help working fine motor skills of children, imaginationandattention to detail of each color, and is very cool.- You can play with or without internet.- Save images to your device.- Share via email, Facebook, Whatsap and others.How to Play: You must use your finger to choose a color topaintevery detail of your figure. There are many colors tochoosefrom.Download already and get to work!Enjoy and have fun"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is oldhewill not depart from it." Proverbs 22: 6
Puzzle Rio de Janeiro 1.0
RDB Mobile
Game Puzzle Rio de Janeiro, is free.Composedof several beautiful images of the city of Rio deJaneiro.Suitable for all ages. It's a great fun for you to interact andplaywith the whole family.This game helps stimulate learning, develop intelligence,logicalreasoning, the ability to coordination / visual-motor,attention,visual discrimination and imagination. It can alsodevelopdifferent abilities of thought as: observe, compare, analyzeandsummarize.Description: To start the game, you must choose a difficultyleveland a picture, which will be shown by full, to observe thefigureto be assembled, click play and following parts are all mixedup,you should go clicking each piece, so that it is facing inthecorrect position of the image. The objective of this game istocomplete all the pieces to form the chosen image.- The game consists of 90 images of beautiful places in the cityofRio de Janeiro.- Three difficulty levels: easy, medium and hard.- You have the option to play without Internet too.Try to mount the pictures in the shortest time possible!Have a good time!
Songs and Christmas Music 1.0
RDB Mobile
This application presents a selection ofthebest Christmas songs for children and adults : ChristmasSongs,Kids Songs!LICENSE CERTIFICATE : Envato Market Item
Piano Tiles Infantil 1.0
RDB Mobile
A interface do jogo é muito limpa esimples,com comandos fáceis de compreender, todo em português,bemdiferente dos concorrentes.Cada toque resulta em uma resposta para o app, que éinterpretadade forma rápida e precisa.Dessa maneira, não acontecerão erros por falhasdeprocessamento.Os níveis de dificuldade são bacanas e robustos.Prós- Divertido- Bons desafios- GrátisThe game interface isveryclean and simple with easy to understand commands, all inPortugueseand different from competitors.Each touch results in a response to the app, which isinterpretedquickly and accurately.Thus, errors do not occur by processing flaws.The difficulty levels are cool and robust.pros - Funny - Good challenges - Free
Versículo Diário 1
RDB Mobile
This is a free application, bringing a biblical meditation for eachday.
Salmo do dia feminino 1
RDB Mobile
Todos nós precisamos tirar pelo menosalgunsminutos do nosso dia, para buscar a palavra de Deus. E com o"Salmodo Dia Feminino" você pode fazer isso, onde quer que esteja.Recebadiariamente um Salmo especial, selecionado da Bíblia Sagradaeedificando a sua vida. Aplicativo moderno e feitoespecialmentepara a vida de cada mulher.O objetivo desse app é fazer com que as pessoas venham buscar maiseter um bom relacionamento com Deus, por meio da palavra.E é através das meditações diárias que podemos seredificados,fortalecidos e capacitados, promovendo um crescimentoespiritual.Pois até podemos pensar que temos muito conhecimento,mas averdadeira sabedoria vem somente de Deus.Descrição:- Este aplicativo contém todos os 150 Salmos da Bíblia Sagradaparavocê ler e ainda terá a opção de compartilhar a palavra de Deuscomseus familiares e amigos, via redes sociais, emails, SMS,entreoutros.- Você pode baixar o aplicativo gratuito.- Interface simples e leve.- Terá a opção de aumentar e diminuir a fonte para o tamanho quelheagradar.- Adicionar os Salmos que mais gosta aos favoritos.- Você tem a opção de abrir o App estando online ou atémesmooffline.- É muito fácil de usar.- Instale agora mesmo e aproveite!Baixe já o App e que Deus venha abençoar a vida de cada umdevocês!"Faz com que a mulher estéril habite em casa, e seja alegremãede filhos. Louvai ao Senhor."Salmos 113:9"O que tu queres é um coração sincero; enche o meu coração comatua sabedoria."Salmos 51:6We all need to takeatleast a few minutes of our day, to seek the word of God. Andwiththe "Psalm of the Day Women" you can do it wherever you are.Get adaily special Psalm, selected from the Holy Bible and buildingyourlife. Modern application and made especially for the life ofeverywoman.The purpose of this app is to get people to come look more andhavea good relationship with God through the word.And it is through daily meditations that can be builtup,strengthened and empowered, promoting spiritual growth. For evenwethink we have a lot of knowledge, but true wisdom comes onlyfromGod.  Description:- This app contains all 150 Psalms of the Bible to read and youwillstill have the option to share the word of God with familyandfriends via social networks, email, SMS, among others.- You can download the free application.- Simple, lightweight interface.- You will have the option to increase and decrease the font tosizeyou please.- Add the Psalms you like most to your favorites.- You have the option to open the App being online orevenoffline.- It is very easy to use.- Install now and enjoy!Download the App now and that God will bless the lives of eachofyou!"It makes the barren woman to keep house, and to be ajoyfulmother of children. Praise the Lord."Psalms 113: 9"What you want is a sincere heart, fill my heart withyourwisdom."Psalm 51: 6
Puzzle Beaches 1.0
RDB Mobile
The Puzzle Game Beaches, is free. Comprisingof100 beautiful landscapes of beaches and suitable for all ages.It'sa great fun for you to interact and play with thewholefamily.This game helps stimulate learning, develop intelligence,logicalreasoning, the ability to motor coordination / visual-motorskills,attention, visual discrimination and imagination. They canalsodevelop different abilities of thought as: observe,compare,analyze and summarize.Description: To start the game, you must choose a levelofdifficulty and an image that will be shown by full, to observethefigure to be assembled, click play and following the pieces areallmixed up, you should go clicking on each piece to be facing inthecorrect position of the image. The objective of this game istocomplete all the parts forming the chosen image.Characteristics:- The game consists of 100 beautiful landscapes of beaches.- Two difficulty levels: easy and hard.- You have the option to play online and offline too.Try to mount the pictures in the shortest time possible!Have a good time!
Quebra-cabeça Zoológico 1.3
RDB Mobile
Quebra-cabeça dos animais, com um volume de 45 fotos de animaisdiversos. - Você pode mover qualquer fatia para completar o quebracabeça. - Simples e intuitivo - Incentivar o raciocinio e melhorarhabilidades de pensamento Dúvidas, críticas e sugestões são bemvindas em rbtbts@gmail.com e por favor, coloque um comentário apóso download, eles ajudarão outras pessoas a escolher este produtoelogios são bem vindos.
Salmo do dia 4
RDB Mobile
Free application. Psalms of the Bible to build your life every day.
Puzzle Disciples of Jesus 1.0
RDB Mobile
The Puzzle Game Disciples of Jesus, isdesignedto introduce a playful way, some of the Bible passages.The gameaims: Awakening the child's interest in the Bible.The play is fundamental in the development of each child. Withthisin mind we created this game, which will help tostimulatelearning, develop intelligence, logical reasoning, theability tomotor coordination / visual-motor skills, attention,visualdiscrimination and retell stories. They can also developdifferentabilities of thought as: observe, compare, analyze andsummarize.At the beginning of each puzzle, the chosen figure is showninfull, for the child to observe the figure to beassembled,following the parts will be mixed for the child toassemble thefigures of the puzzle by clicking each square so thatthe piece isturned in the correct position of the image. Theobjective of thisgame is to complete all the parts forming thechosen figure.Try to assemble the biblical images in the shortesttimepossible!Have a good time!"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever"Hebrews 13: 8"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is oldhewill not depart from it."Proverbs 22: 6
Quebra-Cabeça Natal 1.0
RDB Mobile
O Jogo Quebra-Cabeça Natal, é gratuito. Composto por 110 lindasimagens e indicado para todas as idades. É um ótimo divertimentopara você interagir e jogar com toda a família. Esse jogo ajuda aestimular a aprendizagem, desenvolver a inteligência, o raciocíniológico, a capacidade de coordenação motora / viso-motora, aatenção, a descriminação visual e a imaginação. Podendo tambémdesenvolver diferentes habilidades do pensamento como: observar,comparar, analisar e sintetizar. Descrição: Para iniciar o jogo,você deve escolher um nível de dificuldade e uma imagem, que serámostrada por completa, para observar a figura a ser montada, cliqueem jogar e na sequência as peças serão todas misturadas, vocêdeverá ir clicando em cada peça, para que seja virada na posiçãocorreta da imagem. O Objetivo deste jogo é completar todas aspeças, formando a imagem escolhida. - O jogo é formado por 110lindas imagens de Natal. - Dois níveis de dificuldades: Fácil edifícil. - Você tem a opção de jogar online e offline também. Tentemontar as imagens no menor tempo possível! Bom divertimento!
Memory Game Animals Children 2.0
RDB Mobile
The game Memory Children's Animals is a great entertainment with noage restriction, for you to interact and play with the wholefamily. It aims: To encourage learning. Develop intelligence.Stimulate and increase visual storage capacity in a playful manner,working logical reasoning, visual and motor. Attention, visualdiscrimination. It can also develop different abilities of thoughtas: observe, compare, analyze and summarize. Game Features: Youwill find very colorful images of animals, facilitating theirmemory. The game consists of 96 levels Difficulty: Easy (4x4)Normal (4x5) Hard (5x6) Very Hard (6x6) You should go playing tounlock each stage. The goal of the game and you find all even untilthe end, with the lowest number of possible moves and win the 3stars. You can use the 3 tips without losing any points. Thegreater the number of hits, plus the chance to reach the 3 stars.Forming all pairs of the illustrated figures, with the lowestnumber of possible moves. You have the option to play online oroffline. Good luck and have fun with the whole family and pals!Also check out the other applications we have, you will not regretit.
Baby Puzzle 1.0
RDB Mobile
The Jiggy babys Game is free. 106 Composed of beautiful images andcute babys and suitable for all ages. It's a great fun for you tointeract and play with the whole family. This game helps stimulatelearning, develop intelligence, logical reasoning, the ability tomotor coordination / visual-motor skills, attention, visualdiscrimination and imagination. They can also develop differentabilities of thought as: observe, compare, analyze and summarize.Description: To start the game, you must choose a level ofdifficulty and an image that will be shown by full, to observe thefigure to be assembled, click play and following the pieces are allmixed up, you should go clicking on each piece to be facing in thecorrect position of the image. The objective of this game is tocomplete all the parts forming the chosen image. Description: - Thegame consists of beautiful babys 106 pictures. - Two difficultylevels: easy and hard. - You have the option to play online andoffline too. Try to mount the pictures in the shortest timepossible! Have a good time!
Histórias Bíblicas 2 3
RDB Mobile
Nesse Aplicativo você vai encontrar três histórias bíblicas,tiradas do livro da Bíblia Sagrada. É importante ensinar ascrianças desde pequenas, sobre as histórias da Bíblia e o melhor éque seja de um jeito prazeroso. E uma leitura bem ilustrada, acriança irá interpretar e entender de um jeito mais fácil. Cadahistória é repleta de imagens e bem coloridas. As histórias vãoensinar lições bíblicas muito importantes para a formação eeducação moral das crianças. Histórias: - Abraão e a promessa deDeus; - Deus prova a fé de Abraão; - Uma esposa para Isaque. Nesteaplicativo, as histórias são contadas em uma linguagem simples, defácil entendimento para as crianças. E no fim de cada história afonte bíblica é mencionada. Características e objetivos doaplicativo: - As histórias são ricamente ilustradas; - Despertar edesenvolver o gosto pela leitura; - Despertar na criança ointeresse pela Escritura Sagrada e estimula a sua fé; - Ensinar osvalores cristãos; - Fortalecer o laço afetivo das crianças com suafamília durante a leitura; - Sem restrição de idade, para a famílialer junto com as crianças; - Você pode fazer a leitura doaplicativo online e também offline; - Para uma melhor visualizaçãode leitura nos dispositivos Smartphone, recomendamos a rotação detela. Esta é a segunda edição, em breve iremos lançar outras commais novas 3 histórias cada. Baixe agora o app e confira ashistórias com todas as crianças! "Não temas, porque Eu Soucontigo!" Gênesis 26:24 "Busquem, pois, em primeiro lugar o Reinode Deus e a sua justiça, e todas essas coisas lhes serãoacrescentadas" Mateus 6:33 "Ele me escuta quando peço ajuda eatende as minhas orações." Salmos 6:9
Memory Game Disciples Jesus 1.0
RDB Mobile
Memory Game Disciples of Jesus, is a great entertainment andwithout age restriction, for you to interact and play with thewhole family. Its goal: Awakening in the child's interest in theBible. Besides stimulating learning. Develop intelligence.Stimulate and increase visual memory capacity in a playful manner,working logical reasoning, visual and motor. The attention, visualdiscrimination. They can also develop different abilities ofthought as: observe, compare, analyze and summarize. Game Features:You will find pictures of the Disciples of Jesus and colorful,facilitating their memorization. The game is formed by levels 96Difficulty: Easy(4x4) Normal(4x5) Hard(5x6) Very difficult(6x6) Youshould go playing to unlock each stage. The goal of the game andyou find all the pairs to the end, with the lowest number ofpossible moves and win the 3 stars. You can use the 3 tips withoutlosing any points. The higher the number of hits, plus the chanceto reach the 3 stars. Forming all pairs of illustrated figures,with the lowest number of moves possible. You have the option toplay with or without internet. Good luck and have fun with thewhole family and playmates! Also check out the other applicationswe have, you will not regret it. "Jesus Christ is the sameyesterday, today and forever" Hebrews 13:8 "Train up a child in theway he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it."Proverbs 22:6
Puzzle Child Jesus Miracles 1.4
RDB Mobile
The puzzle consists of several images of the miracles of Jesus.
Puzzle Waterfalls 1.0
RDB Mobile
The Puzzle Game Waterfalls, is free.Composedof several beautiful pictures of waterfalls from variousplaces ofthe world.Suitable for all ages. It's a great fun for you to interact andplaywith the whole family.This game helps to stimulate learning, develop theintelligence,logical reasoning, the ability of motorcoordination/vision-motor,visual discrimination, attention andimagination. It can alsodevelop different skills as thinking:observe, compare, analyze andsynthesize.Description: to start the game, you must choose a difficultyleveland an image, which will be shown by complete, to observethefigure to be mounted, click play and following parts are allmixed,you must go by clicking on each piece, so that it is facingin thecorrect position of the image. The goal of this game is tocompleteall the pieces to form the chosen image.-The game is made up of 77 images of beautiful waterfalls.-Three levels of difficulty: easy, medium and hard.-You have the option to play without Internet also.Try to assemble the images in the shortest time possible!Good fun!
Provérbios Bíblicos 2
RDB Mobile
Biblical Proverbs bringing wisdom to your life. totally free app.
Puzzle Sunset 1.0
RDB Mobile
The Puzzle Game Sunset, is free. Composed of74beautiful landscapes of sunset and suitable for all ages. It'sagreat fun for you to interact and play with the wholefamily.This game helps stimulate learning, develop intelligence,logicalreasoning, the ability to motor coordination / visual-motorskills,attention, visual discrimination and imagination. They canalsodevelop different abilities of thought as: observe,compare,analyze and summarize.Description: To start the game, you must choose a levelofdifficulty and an image that will be shown by full, to observethefigure to be assembled, click play and following the pieces areallmixed up, you should go clicking on each piece to be facing inthecorrect position of the image. The objective of this game istocomplete all the parts forming the chosen image.Characteristics:- The game consists of 74 beautiful landscapes Sunset.- Two difficulty levels: easy and hard.- You have the option to play online and offline too.Try to mount the pictures in the shortest time possible!Have a good time!
Frases de Amor 1
RDB Mobile
Amor é o sentimento mais lindo e puro de carinho e demonstração deafeto, ele complementa nossa vida e cura a solidão. Definir o que éo amor não é uma tarefa fácil, pois para cada pessoa, o amor poderepresentar algo diferente. Mas ele torna a nossa vida mais feliz.Nesse App "Frases de Amor" você vai encontrar lindas frases paracompartilhar e conquistar a pessoa amada... não deixe que seu amorcaia na rotina, encante e emocione a sua alma gêmea! Baixe agora oApp em seu dispositivo e surpreenda o seu amor... conquiste eencante aquela pessoa que você está gostando ou amando, de ondequer que você esteja. Descrição: - Interface simples e leve. - Vocêpode baixar o aplicativo gratuito. - Você poderá compartilhar asfrases com a pessoa amada, via redes sociais, emails, SMS entreoutros. - Terá a opção de aumentar e diminuir a fonte para otamanho que lhe agradar. - Adicionar as frases que mais gostou aosfavoritos. - Você tem a opção de abrir o App estando online ou atémesmo offline. - É muito fácil de usar. - Instale agora mesmo eaproveite! E por favor, se você gostou do aplicativo, não deixe dedar a nota e o seu depoimento no Google Play. Sugestões serão bemvindas. E obrigada pela escolha!
Daily Ab Exercise 2.0
RDB Mobile
Have you ever thought how interesting it istostay fit and without spending anything, only a few minutes ofyourday.Exercising daily is like having your own personal trainer withyou,wherever you are and at any time of day. Designed for men andwomenwho are willing to maintain a healthy routine and yetwithoutleaving the comfort of your own home.With this app you can create a routine daily activity and canbefast or longer workouts. Losing just a few minutes a day, youcanburn calories, have a lisinha belly, tone and strengthen yourbody.Description:- Made up of 10 types of exercises.- 3 difficulty levels: Easy, Medium and Hard.- You have the option to schedule a reminder, with hours onyourdevice for the exercises you want to do.- Timer for each exercise.- Timer for each workout intervals- Downloading the application on your device, you cantrainoffline.
Deus te fala 2
RDB Mobile
This is a free application, bringing a biblical meditation for eachday.
Alimento Bíblico Mulheres 4
RDB Mobile
O Alimento Bíblico Diário Mulheres tem por objetivo fazer com queaspessoas venham buscar mais e ter um bom relacionamento com Deus,pormeio da palavra. Feito especialmente para a vida de cadamulher. Éatravés das meditações diárias que podemos seredificados,fortalecidos e capacitados, promovendo um crescimentoespiritual.Pois até podemos pensar que temos muito conhecimento,mas averdadeira sabedoria vem somente de Deus. Descrição: Esteaplicativotem a opção de atualizar as mensagens e compartilharsuas leituraspara outras pessoas, via redes sociais, emails, SMSentre outros.Que Deus venha abençoar a vida de cada um de vocês!"Porque, ondeestá o teu tesouro, aí estará também o teu coração".Mateus 6:21"Guarda-me como a menina dos Teus olhos; esconda-me àsombra dasTuas asas." Salmo 17:8
Minuto Com Deus 1.0
RDB Mobile
This is a free application, bringing a biblical message to yourday.
Bible Puzzle 1.6
RDB Mobile
The puzzle game consists of several images of biblical passages.
Caça Palavras Bíblico 3.0
RDB Mobile
WordFind Bible is a completely free application.
Encontro Diário Com Deus 1
RDB Mobile
This is a free application, bringing a biblical message to yourday.
Bible Memory Game Children 2.1
RDB Mobile
It's free and a fun game to train playing memory!
Puzzle Flowers 2.0
RDB Mobile
The puzzle game consists of 130 images of flowers.
Histórias Bíblicas 5.0
RDB Mobile
The most beautiful Bible stories for all children.
Children's Bible Coloring 6.0
RDB Mobile
This is a game consisting of several biblical figures to color.
Bible Memory Game Children 2.1
RDB Mobile
It's free and a fun game to train playing memory!
Children's Bible Puzzle 2.13
RDB Mobile
The puzzle game consists of several images of biblical passages.